YF型粉碎式格栅除污机 产品用途 粉碎式格栅除污机是一种新型的**、水利、泵站系列除污设备,是解决固体 物对设备危害的较佳设备,是传统型格栅除污机理想的替代产品。广泛应用于市 政、水利、泵站系统;可代替传统格栅或与其配合使用。 YF crush grille trash machine is a kind of new trash machine for municipal,water conservancy,pump station. It is the best machine against the settlement of solid particles on the equipmentjs a perfect replaceable product of traditional grille trash machine. The equipment is widely used for municipal administration, water conservation, pumping station system; it can replace the traditional grille or combine with it. 公 司:亚太水处理(天长)有限公司 联系人:董经理 电 话: q 邮 箱:2881773298@ 微 信: 地 址:安徽省天长市经济开发区经十路与纬一路交叉口 工作原理 粉碎式格栅除污机是由格栅、粉碎主机(破碎机)、格栅附件、自耦装置及控制系统组成。当夹裹大中型固体的污水经过粉碎机时,固体物质被固定式格栅或旋转式格栅鼓截留(格栅转鼓由单独驱动装置驱动或由粉碎驱动部件中的传动齿轮带动下旋转),经冲洗或旋转导向下进入粉碎机,被两个呈相向旋转的铣刀切割成细小的颗粒,随着固定栅条缝隙或转鼓过滤的污水一起流入下道工序,*进行栅法的清运。 产品特点 1.该设备应用先进技术将污水、污物中的*型固体颗粒粉碎成6~12mm的小颗粒,并和污水一起进入后续处理工序,*进行格栅法津的清运,为地埋式泵站的全封闭设计创造了条件,节约了土建造价,美化了环境。 2.与使用传统格栅的泵站相比,栅渣在水中进行粉碎处理*清理废弃物;可避免臭气外泄,保护环境,较大的减少占地面积;安装维护简单,可实现水下自动耦合安装。 3.具有很强的自净能力,不存在缠绕和杂物堆积。 4.低转速运行,转速20~55r/min, 磨损小,功耗低,选用双轴差速原理,实现强力挤压粉碎。 5.水阻力小,水头损失少,保证上下游水位的稳定。 6.两栖电机,水陆两用。 7. 自耦安装,简洁方便。 8.设备为地埋式泵站配套,占地面积少、整体投资少,美化了泵站的环境。 9.可靠的保护系统,当设备发生过载时,能自动实现反转卸荷,多次反转亦不能排除则停机报警。 1. The large solid particles in the water and *age are broken into smali grains of 6-12mm,and flowed into the next working procedure with water,do not clean-up the dreg. 2. It is compared with the using traditional grille Pumping station the slag was crushed in water, No need to clean up waste, protect the environment,the area is less, simple installation and maintenance,and can be self-coupling installed under the water. 3. With strongly self cleaning, there is no wound and debns accumulation. 4. Running with low speed 20-55r/min, smalt wear rate, low power consumption, using the duat-axis differential principle, to extrude and comminute strongly 5. With low water resistance and low head loss. to e门sure the stability of the upstream and downstream water level. 6. Using the amphibious motor, it is amphibious 7. With self-coupling instailation,simple and convenient. 8. The equipment is necessary for the underground pump station,less area and the overall investment, beautify the station environment. 9. Reliable protec system with automatic unloading while the overload happens.After it happens three times,the equipment will stop automatically with warning.